One fine Monday morning in the month of May (May 25, 2015 to be exact), I launched an online crowd-funding campaign called "GoFundRegina" on IndieGogo Life to raise funds for my first year of studies at The Juilliard School. In four weeks, the campaign exceeded its target goal of raising $26,290 by $499.69 through both online and offline donations.
This blog was created to provide a platform for me to ensure my donors that I am indeed studying at The Juilliard School. I will be posting entries about my classes, the people in my new community and basically life in Juilliard and living in New York City. If you're a reader based in Manila, take note that the Philippines is 12 hours ahead of New York City when contextualizing the time of my posts. I hope this blog opens up possibilities for my beloved colleagues back in Manila, attract "brilliant people that are passionate and committed to 'putting a dent on the universe,'" and inspire people to pursue the lives they've always dreamed of. From my friend and sister, Laura Cabochan, who couldn't have said it any better: "Regina offers a different story, a story that doesn't negate present realities, but is also a story available to all of us, individually and as a nation: that we can make great things happen, together. It's scary to imagine another narrative for ourselves. What would the Philippines be like without its hardships? What would change if the conversations focused on dreams instead of problems? Imagine us, the entire Filipino community, committing even just a portion of our efforts into realizing this desire of ours for a better life for everyone, a life where everyone has the privilege to dream." Shout out to Kamole Orense for the banner pictures in my website and Marco Viaña for the site logo :) Here we go.
Regina De VeraI am a Filipino actress alternating between New York and Manila. I received my acting training at The Juilliard School. Take a look around! Archives
April 2023